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Health & wellness coaching
designed for you.

By Dana Bufalino, NBC-HWC
Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach


a whole BODY approach

We thrive when we feel well. More energy, increased productivity, less brain fog, less stress, more immunity, reduced burnout and more resilience. So, how do we get well?

Welcome to your evidence-based, collaborative, root cause approach that makes nutrition, sleep optimization, stress management and movement less overwhelming. We take your goals, chat about your barriers then co-create an action plan.

Unique to you.

Some people thrive eating a plant-based menu; others feel best with a little bit of meat. Movement works differently for everyone too…. as does sleep, water, mindfulness and joy.

Let’s design a plan that makes your unique body thrive. Together we’ll start from scratch, throw away the restrictions, fad diets and trends and instead find the foods, movement styles and amount of sleep that work well for you.


  • Fertility

  • Blood sugar balance

  • Migraine

  • Anxiety management

  • Skin-related issues (acne, eczema, psoriasis, healthy aging)

  • Gut health

  • Healthy weight management

  • Low FODMAP diet

  • Low oxalate diet


As Seen In

WHAT IS coachinG?

Health and wellness coaching is the psychology of behavior change as it relates to health and wellness.

If you’re are sleeping well, eating nourishing foods, moving regularly and maintaining stress management practices, you’ll be happier, more energetic, balanced version of yourself.

But that’s easier said than done. Work and life get in the way of us being our healthiest selves. I help you: 

  • Define your health and wellness goals

  • Identify your barriers / root cause of their struggles

  • Rework your routines to fit in stress-reducing, energy-increasing habits

  • Create specific, actionable steps to implement into daily life

  • Hold you accountable to those goals



Free 15-Minute Consultation

Let’s make sure we’re a good fit

I get it! I like to try before I buy too. Book a free 15-minute call to see if health and wellness coaching is right for you. We’ll discuss your unique goals and challenges + what to expect as a client.


The experience

3-Month Membership

The perfect option for anyone who has a time-oriented goal (optimize fertility, train for a race, maximize energy for an event).

Together, we’ll find the foods, movement styles, the amount of sleep + stress management techniques that feel best to your unique body. We’ll then create goals related to all 4 pillars of wellness, create mindful eating habits, morning/evening routines that help you stay on track, discuss ways to optimize sleep, reduce stress and crave movement.

I’m your partner. I’ll help you create your goals, hold you accountable, revise when needed + celebrate your wins.

Additional perks of 3-Month Membership:

  • One virtual 60-minute appointment every 2 weeks (6 sessions total)

  • Priority scheduling

  • Nontoxic personal + household product guide

  • $75 discount


6-Month Membership

A great option for anyone who thrives with an accountability partner and has “tried everything” but just can’t find a plan that works.

We’ll set small, realistic but impactful goals each session that, over time, will have a transformative effect on how you’ll feel.

You’ll learn about your unique composition - what foods to eat and what to avoid based on your goals, blood type, Ayurvedic constitution, family history and more + what movement style works best for your constitution and number of hours of sleep you’ll need.

We’ll create accountability + a daily wellness routine that keeps you on track + helps you feel the transformative effects of small changes.

Perks of 6-Month Membership:

  • One virtual 60-minute appointment every 2 weeks (12 sessions total)

  • Priority scheduling

  • Text message SOS help

  • Meal plan template

  • Grocery store tour (optional)

  • Charleston restaurant guide

  • Nontoxic personal + household product guide

  • $150 discount


One-on-One Health Coaching

60 minute sessions assessing your current diet, lifestyle and roadblocks + your goals, symptoms, food preferences and sensitivities. From there, we’ll work together to create action-based solutions to help you reach your goals. Suggestions, tips + education included.



She’s wise beyond belief and speaks with such calm conviction, inviting you to tell the truth with no shame.
— Client Testimonial
Dana talked me through what my intention was in meeting with her (to start a period) and what my goals were to succeed (eat a stronger diet and ground myself in daily routines - her genius recommendations that worked!). Three weeks later, I had my first period. We rejoiced together (she’s also the most excellent cheerleader!) and now three MONTHS later I’m still getting my period and feeling like a full blown woman again!
— Client Testimonial
Dana Bufalino Health Coach

Your partner in designing

action-based solutions to meet

your health-related goals.